2020 is the year that keeps on giving, from Covid to the elections, this has been one of the more event filled years in my lifetime. While our office has had a successful year in writing new accounts, from marinas to slip owners associations, marine contractors, boat yards and boat builders. It has certainly not been without its challenges from the insurance side as well. From primary carriers rewriting and repricing their accounts to a wholesale withdrawal from writing particular lines of coverage it has been a challenge. The major impact has been the change in the market on pricing and writing coverage for dock exposures. This has been particularly true for accounts along the southeast and gulf coast of the United States which have seen a tremendous amount of damage due to hurricanes the past five years. Our office has been fortunate in locating alternate markets for these tough to write exposures, and adding additional carriers to fill gaps left by carriers vacating this market segment. If your business is being buffeted by the above challenges in the current marketplace don’t hesitate to give our office a call,